Friday 5 July 2013

Watch Me Grow! Louie 6 months!

Louie just turned 6 months the other day! Louie is our chocolate Labrador, the baby in our lives right now. We got him on April 18th, and he is a blast. So much hard work, but so worth it!

He is so lovely. When we first got him, I thought it was too soon. We had just had our old dog, Baloo, put down because of cancer in the back legs, and we were miserable. He had been our pride and joy, our baby - especially since we are having trouble getting pregnant. Baloo filled that void for us. And to replace him so soon seemed wrong. But the silence was even worse! The silence, all the reactions to sounds we expected to come but didn't were killing us. It was terrible.

But now! Man, has that puppy won me over? I mean, who can not love a puppy? I love him so much and he is so cute all the time I just want to cuddle him, and smooch him, and hug him, and make a little bag for him so I can bring him everywhere I go.

My whole family adores him. I adore him! Martin adores him more than anyone. Louie is developing his own unique personality and I love seeing how quick he is to learn tricks! I taught him to do a High-Five in like 10 minutes. How cool is that? I'll make a video of it at one point and post it. He is so cute when he concentrates on the commands I give him. To be completely honest, we could have trained him a lot more. We have seen puppies who can make coffee and serve it at his age. Louie knows the basic sit, down, high-five, roll and that is about it! He is so quick to learn new tricks, though, that I am sure once we start puppy training after summer he will become the Superdog he can be.

Puppy cuddles are the best, and as I write this, he is lying by - and I mean on! - my feet, keeping them nice and warm. He is my number Two man!

Oh, who am I kidding, he is the joint Number One Man in my life! Wuf!

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